Renae Anderson's Fundraiser

Help US skiers afford international competition!
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Why donate?
Qualifying to represent the US in international competitions is a big honor, but unfortunately an expensive one. Every race comes with significant expenses - travel, lodging, food, staff support, wax service, etc - as most World Cup races are held in Europe. Successful skiers may gradually acquire sources of funding throughout their career, but every athlete’s journey starts by funding themselves.
When athletes break through and qualify for the next level, NNF steps in to help cover costs - using donated funds from our ski community.
Many high level athletes in the US retire for financial reasons before they’ve hit their athletic peak. NNF is an organization that directly supports athletes - young skiers, professional domestic skiers, World Cup skiers, and Olympians.
I hope you’ll consider joining me to support NNF, and to support US Skiing.